School of Ministry
Why Should I Attend?

Many Christians want to leave their mark on the world, yet struggle to see the power Jesus walked in fully actualized in their own life.

Do you know deep down that there has to be more to your Christian walk with God, but don’t know how to break out of your norm? Are you tired of waiting for someone to launch you into your God-given destiny? Do you feel called inside or outside of the Church but don’t see Christian leaders demonstrating how to impact the culture of your unique sphere of influence?

If you are ready to begin the journey of becoming transformed, equipped, and activated into the call of God that is on YOUR life, register today to begin your application process of becoming part of the School of Ministry!

  • Early Bird - $800 (Apply before July 31)
  • Beginning August 1 - $1000


Do you want to...

Make an impact in the Kingdom of God? Get discipled? Encounter God? Discover your gifts? Get equipped? Become transformed? Walk in power? Become activated? 


What's the schedule like?

Runs one evening per week here at the church. Start date & time to be determined. 


What our students are saying!
Janis - 1st Year Student 2023-2024

“I would really recommend the school of ministry! It is life changing. If you want to discover your gifts and talents and the calling and destiny you have, SOM will help you uncover that!  The structure and the teachings are phenomenal. Being part of the school makes you feel like part of the community, I made some really nice friends and its really encouraging to have their support and see their growth as you journey through the classes together!”

Birdie - 1st Year Student 2023-2024

“My biggest revalation from the school of Ministry was learning how different people communicate and how people absorb facts and teachings and seeing the different takeaways. My biggest blessing out of it all was the mentorship that I had. My mentor and I dug deep into some issues and it was wonderful. If you are willing to be gold refined by fire its awesome to come and lay yourself open to the spirit of God to speak to you through different topics and just stretch you so that you can grow. I think of the scripture, “Study to show yourself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.” I am so thankful that I have had this opportunity, it was truly a blessing to me."

Rebecca - 1st Year Student 2023-2024

"My biggest revelation from the School of Ministry was learning more about my gifts and the calling that God has on my life. Learning how to apply my gifts in an effective way to help others and reach souls, was another take away. I would really recommend the School of Ministry, because for me I learnt how to use my story to effectively connect with other people. I learnt how to be comfortable and confident in sharing my testimony and knowing everyone else has their own testimony.”

The 5 Fold Ministries

Become Equipped

SOM Coordinator:
Sarah Winsor
